Let Gratitude and Passion Fill Your Heart

As you look at your life, there are things that you can always find to be grateful for. I am not speaking of material things. So often we take for granted things which truly deserve our attention. “Is there something you might be missing?”

Let’s take Nature for example. Nature has the power to open our hearts with unspoken words. Through its beauty, color and fragrance you can find moments that are felt only with your heart. Your heart is connected to what you love, and what you love creates passion. It’s that passion that lets you know… ”you are making the right choices”

Be it nature or something else, seek that awareness, and let it be present in your own life.  Acknowledge the goodness, and be grateful for what you already have. Live your life and embrace whatever comes your way. You can always find a reason to be grateful.

Let your gratitude and passion fill your heart every day of your life.

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