What You Allow, Will Always Continue

What you allow is what will continue in your life, seems to be a simple concept to identify with; however it’s not always an easy concept to address. Through all of our relationships, personal and professional and with all the people we encounter in our lives, we are able to see and experience different behavior patterns.

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Release and Rebalance Your Vital Energy

Last week we spoke about your Euphoric Energy, and we talked about the need to feel balanced. This week, we will explore natural ways to bring balance and harmony into your daily life.

When our vital energies are out of sync, we begin to feel “stuck” or we experience the feeling of “not knowing”.

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Your Euphoric Energy

Have you ever felt a burst or rush of energy running through your body, bringing you to a state of intense excitement or happiness….a state of total bliss or euphoria? It’s all part an invisible force of energy, much like an electrical current that circulates throughout your body, giving you a feeling; quite the opposite of relaxation.

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Year End Brings New Beginnings

“Auld Lang Syne” is a poem written by Robert Burns in 1788. These words are sung to a folk tune; a tradition used to bid farewell to the year ending at the stroke of midnight. Meaning…times long past, according to the description from Wikipedia.

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Find Your Zen

It’s essential to our existence that we have peace of mind in our lives.  A time where we can enjoy moments of quiet… and just be.  As humans, we always seem to be connected to something. Our telephones, computers, electronic and mobile devices, even television commands and consumes our attention as well as our thoughts.

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Lead by Example

When you establish and maintain a high standard of morals, you become someone that others look up to. You influence and inspire those around you, sometimes without being aware that you are doing so. And at the same time, you are earning their respect and trust, while gaining credibility.

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The Holiday Spirit

The holidays are a very special time of year. It’s not only a time for festivities, but it’s also a time to reflect. It can serve as a reminder that your life…is a life worth living. The holiday season seems to make us feel “warm and fuzzy” inside.

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Sensitive People

According to Wikipedia, the definition of a sensitive person is “Someone having the innate trait of high sensory processing sensitivity.” I believe it goes far beyond that. Perhaps this is you, or someone you know.  Sensitive people are genuine, kindhearted and compassionate.

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