Love Yourself Healthy – Part One

Fear not, eating healthy doesn’t have to be a chore. It doesn’t have to be boring, and you don’t have to deprive yourself of the foods you love to eat. It’s more about bringing healthy choices into your eating lifestyle.

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Loving Yourself ~ Perfectly Imperfect

We live in a society that is “beauty obsessed.” Stunning models on televisions commercials or magazines ads, not only for women but equally for men. How often do we say to ourselves “I wish I looked like that.” I am sure you’ve all been there….I know that I have.

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Everything Comes In Its Own Time

We live in a society where we are all often impatient. A society that wants everything “now” and it’s an effort when we have to wait. It’s almost as if we are programmed for immediacy. The fact is that everything happens in its own time.

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How Well Do You Communicate?

How often do you try to communicate with someone about what you’re feeling and the message is misunderstood? How often do you try to get your point across and the information is misinterpreted? It’s about having Communicative Competence:a term in linguistics which refers to a language user’s grammatical knowledge, as well as social knowledge about how and when to use utterances appropriately” as described by Wikipedia.

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Accept Change

Life often has a flow of its own. It unfolds without reason or logic, regardless of structure, routine or habits. And you can spend an unlimited amount of time, looking for answers, asking “why?” But what happens when you don’t have the answers you’re looking for?

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Gratitude Always

Gratitude is a virtue one beholds when they are thankful for something that has come their way, and has the readiness to give thanks and show appreciation in return. According to the American Physiological Association, recognizing and giving thanks can actually improve your overall well-being.

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Clarity Leads to Balance

Clarity brings Harmony and Balance to your life. When you have clarity, you have the freedom of ambiguity and indecisiveness. It allows you to focus without drifting, letting you see just where you are going. It helps you to see beyond what’s directly in front of you, using your inner eye of intuition.

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Is Your Heart Center Open?

There in the center of your body ~ is where love and spirit join. It’s the entrance to your heart center. It’s where emotions and compassion emerge when you allow yourself to give and receive openly, and without expectations.

Often we react to world events and daily situations, as well as self-created illusions, thoughts that we fill our heads with; real or not.

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