Time to Allow Things to Fall-Away

As we soon approach Fall or Autumn, we can feel the crispness in the air, and we see the leaves begin to change colors. Soon they will start to fall away from the branches. The summer fruits and vegetables that we have enjoyed are no longer available to us.

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Begin Again

Most of us live our lives day to day as if our journey is already mapped out for us. We wake up, get ourselves ready for work, and away we go. We have our daily routine and obligations and rarely divert from that path.

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Are You Seeking Happiness?

It’s ever so often I hear people say “I just want to be happy.” Do you ever have those thoughts? Have you ever identified what “happy” is for you? Do you find yourself sitting around, just waiting for it to come to you, or do you go out and look for it?

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A Path to Clarity

When you change the way you look life, when you change your thinking patterns, you begin to change life as you live it. It’s all about clarity.

We live in a world with chaos and turmoil that often affects our daily existence.

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Positive Thinking, When Life Seems Grim

Sometimes we have those moments in life where we feel nothing is going our way. Nothing seems right, and life looks so grim. You sit down and ask, “Why me?” or “What next?” There’s an African Proverb to remember that reads: “However long the dark, the dawn will break.”

Life is constantly changing, and you have control over many of the changes that take place, merely by the choices you make.

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Two Kinds of Pride

Good pride is when who have self-respect, which represents your dignity or expressing your competence. It’s caring about yourself, and possessing worthiness. This is not to be confused with vanity. (Vanity is more about how you think others may see or feel about you.) This “good pride” is a beautiful trait as well as an asset to your being.

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People Enter Your Life for a Reason

As people come and go from our lives, we seldom stop and analyze why; and we don’t realize the influence or affect that this person may have. Generally speaking, we don’t question why, until perhaps something happens and triggers a thought.

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Kindness Begins with You

Kindness, such a selfless expression. It’s about being considerate and courteous. It’s about expressing tenderness, gentleness, compassion and empathy. It’s about encouragement. It’s about having  grace, which moves you beyond “self”. Yes, this expression of kindness is most powerful, yet humbling.

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Love Yourself Healthy – Part Two

Last week, in Love Yourself Healthy-Part One, we touched on modifying your eating habits. Bringing more color into your meals, and adjusting your meal portions.  Becoming mindful of what you put into your body is important. This week we are going to explore the “why” and what the benefits are of eating healthy.

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