It’s Your Journey

Very often other people have this idea of what they think you should do with your life. They may think that because they’re a doctor or lawyer, you should become a doctor or lawyer. Perhaps there may be a family business your parents want you to take over.

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Overcome Obstacles

You must know that when you want something bad enough, you can have it. You can achieve anything you desire. You are who you choose to be, and you can take steps to achieve all your set goals. Excuses such as “I’m not ready” will only delay your set path.

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Live With Your Whole Heart

In order to live a life that is rich in all areas, you must learn to live with your whole heart. You must learn not to hold back when giving or receiving, and to embrace both completely. Take a “time out” from your busy schedule, and allow yourself the freedom to play.

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Time To Get Happy

I would think it’s fair to say that we all want to be happy. For some people, that comes very easy, where as others it takes a bit of redirection. Yes….. I said redirection! That means resetting your thought process or incorporating some new activities into your daily life.

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Little Things We Lose Sight Of

As humans, we are all wired the same and we are all drawn to the mysterious unknown phenomena of life while seeking some kind of adventure. We take our daily experiences and use them to move forward in life. But while searching for the wondrous adventures, it’s so easy to miss something or lose sight of what life presents to us.

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The Art of Listening

Did you know that there is an art to listening?? Well, there is. So very often, you can be having a conversation with someone, and although you may not realize it, you are not really present. Oh yes… you are present in the physical a sense, but your mind is elsewhere.

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Take Time to Embrace Nature

As humans we are part of an entire universe surrounded by beautiful nature, we so often don’t notice or connect to. There is intelligence in nature and we can miss life transforming to another form when our minds are tuned out.

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Being Present

By being present, I am not just talking about saying “I’m here”. It’s more about showing “You’re here”. Life in itself is a miracle  and is so often taken for granted. There is an internal connection you need to get in touch with that will help bring awareness to your everyday living.

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Blaming Others aka: The Blame Game

Oh, life sometimes is so much easier when we can blame others for “what happens” or “what we feel” or even “why we feel”. It’s called the “Blame Game”. The problem with blaming others is that it can often leave you powerless and without you even realizing it.

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Behavior Matters

Human behavior is far from universally predictable. It is individually based, and has so many variances. Where do behavioral patterns come from? Most of us, if not all people experience some degree of dysfunctional human behavior, specifically anxiety, depression and relationship dysfunction.

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