Learn How to Fail

This might sound strange to you. “Learn to fail? Why would I want to do that?” Well, let me tell you why. Best-selling author Pema Chödrön believes that failure is a natural part of the human experience — so we should learn how to do it well.

No one wants to fail, but it’s just part of life. When you understand “failure” you learn and grow. Therefore each time you fail, you fail better and you learn again. Most people feel bad about failing, and try to hide the truth. It might bring up emotions like rage, insecurity, jealousy, or discontent. Learn to acknowledge any emotions that come your way and surrender to them. That’s called raw vulnerability and it’s something we all encounter. Open yourself to accept what’s happened and just be with it. Find your space and accept where you are. Don’t resist it. You must experience both good and bad to enjoy all the richness life has to offer.

Don’t become your disappointment. Know that life is not always going to be your way. There will experiences that may disrupt your journey. Let those negative challenges or situations help you to achieve your goals in life and direct you to where you should to be. Things happen because life may be offering you a new direction. Pay attention.

You have an identity and you are your own person. Don’t allow clouds of failure to create barriers that will close your heart, because when you do, you lose sight of who you are and what really matters to you.

Know that when you feel like you’re falling apart, the world beneath your feet is preparing you for a sweeter life. You may not to see it at first, but soon you will be able to taste it.

~ Jill Lee

2 thoughts on “Learn How to Fail

  1. Sher Reply

    Again unbeleivable timing. I so needed to see if I could make sense of what was happening to me….. Thanks for your insight & wisdom!

    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      Dear Sher, as always I so appreciate your comments and feedback. I know you can make sense of this, you are able to read between the lines. As I quote myself:
      “Know that when you feel like you’re falling apart, the world beneath your feet is preparing you for a sweeter life. You may not to see it at first, but soon you will be able to taste it.”

      Warmest Regards,

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